Below are our monthly newsletters so Alumni, Parents, and Undergraduate members can keep up with what is going on in the chapter.





Brothers Neil Lagerblade ‘21, Anthony Giordano ’21, Trevor Loomis ’21 after the dunk tank.

Philanthropy Week

During Philanthropy Week, Brother Ashton Raymond ’21 organized a series of engaging and interactive events throughout campus. The primary goal of the week was to raise $5,000 for our national philanthropy initiative, Military Heroes Campaign. We did a dunk tank, hosted Fraternal Feud (Family Feud spinoff), held a Raising Cane’s night, and finished off the week with a live concert at the chapter house. Thanks to the OCU community, undergraduates, and alumni, we were about to exceed our goal and raised $5146. The success of this event would not have been possible without your generosity and enthusiasm.


Brothers attending Derby Days

Derby Days

Derby Days was one of the highly anticipated mixers for the chapter. The event was hosted by the chapter at Remington Park. Brothers and their dates dressed up in their finest attire for a day of horse racing. This experience was a great bonding activity where brothers were able to learn about and enjoy the thrill of the races.


Brothers Gardner Roby ’20, Omar Aarab ‘22, Andrew Celedon ’20, Mason Seay ‘22, Garrett Grantz ’22 at Cameron University

Cameron University Installation

On April 29th, 2023 brothers from Theta-Psi assisted with the installation and initiation of the newest chapter in Oklahoma. The Phi-Gamma chapter is located at Cameron University in Lawton, OK. Brothers Gardner Roby, Omar Aarab, Andrew Celedon, Mason Seay, Garrett Grantz went down to help with ritual ceremonies. This was a unique experience for Brother Andrew Celedon as he is a Lawton native and was able to initiate some of his friends from high school.


Brothers Ashton Raymond ’22, Zac Meredith ‘22, Trevor Loomis ’21 presents their version of an ideal Kappa Sigma


Brothers Andrew Celedon ’20, Christian Kane ’22, Anthony Giordano ’21, Andrew Barker ’21 presents their version of an ideal Kappa Sigma

EC Retreat

The EC held a retreat shortly after finals wrapped up to plan for the upcoming Summer and Fall semester. They were joined by alumni advisor Danny Phan ’09, Jeff Poulin ’08 and Cameron Bell ’08. The theme of the retreat was “My Obligation”. This was 3 days filled with discussions on goals, ritual, strategic visions, and of course our obligations. We also had calls with OCU’s Office of Greek Life and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The main takeaway was that the EC has a great foundation to go into the summer and work on ideas for the Fall so that Kappa Sigma remains the largest fraternity on campus and best not just at OCU but in Oklahoma. A few goals that came out of EC Retreat are: 60+ man house after Fall recruitment, improve efficiency in communications within the chapter, being more proactive vs reactive, and improving engagement with the external community and alumni.


Grand Conclave

July 26-30th is the 74th Biennial Grand Conclave held at our international headquarters in Charlottesville, VA. Register by July 22nd at:

There are currently 7 active brothers signed up to go. We would love the opportunity to meet with any alumni that will be in attendance.

Message from the Grand Master

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the incredible support you have provided us throughout the year. Your unwavering dedication and commitment have been instrumental in our achievements and have significantly contributed to our success. As we reflect on the past months, we are filled with gratitude for your generous contributions, valuable insights, and constant encouragement. Your support has helped us in various ways. From Kappa Sigma Day of Giving to philanthropy week, OCU Day of Giving and even our EC Retreat, we were blown away with the support that came from our alumni. We are excited and confident that we can achieve even greater milestones and make a lasting impact on our institution and its students.

We look forward to welcoming you on campus this Fall. We will have events planned for Bid Day, Initiation, Homecoming and Alumni Day/Banquet.


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