Housing Commitment due by April 1, 2024 for priority choice of rooms. Current residences who do not fill out the form by April 1, 2024 may lose their current room priority. This is done to ensure members can find alternative housing arrangements if needed.

Article VII Chapter Housing Regulations

Section I. Room Priority

  1. Room preference shall rank as follows: Grand Master, Grand Procurator, Grand Master of Ceremonies, Grand Treasurer, Grand Scribe, and Associate Vice President of Recruitment. Once the Executive Committee has chosen rooms, preference is decided by pin number of members still desiring to live in the house, highest pin number having first preference and so on.
  2. The above rule only pertains to empty rooms. Those who are living in a room and wish to keep it will not be obliged to give up their room to a member who would otherwise have a higher rank.

Section II. Housing Contracts

  1. All members living in the Chapter house must sign a Chapter House Resident Contract, provided by the Housing Corporation. In signing, residents agree to the terms of the contract, as per living in the Chapter house.

Section III. Care of Individual Rooms

  1. All residents may be subject to room checks conducted by the Grand Procurator and may be fined should a resident fail a room check. Repeated failures may also result in eviction from the Chapter house.

Section IV. General Housing rules

  1. Smoking of any type is prohibited inside the Chapter house. A fine of $50 will be distributed to guilty parties.
  2. Damage to, or destruction of house property shows disrespect to the Fraternity, and should be dealt with in a severe fashion, including suspension, a fine, as well as payment to fix damages.
  3. Consuming alcohol on Chapter Property is prohibited. Violation of this rule could result in a Judicial Board hearing and/or fines. This by-law may be nullified in the event of a change in Oklahoma City University’s alcohol policy.
  4. Quiet hours will be agreed upon by the residents of the house, and will be followed accordingly, failure to do so will result in a $25 fine.
  5. House cleaning will be done bi-weekly or by need and all brothers who live on campus or participated in an event will be required to be present, failure to do so will result in a $25 fine.
  6. No entering another brother’s living space without his permission.
  7. Clean up your own messes. Failure to do so repeatedly will result in a $25 fine.
  8. Residents oversee taking out the trash cans and cleaning their own bathrooms until the event of house cleaning.

Housing Rates:

Single Room: $2500/semester or $500/month – Discounted Early Pay is $2350

Security Deposit – $450 – one time. will be returned if room is cleaned and undamaged after move out.